What can I do now to prepare?
Consider if you have enough food, water and other essentials at home for at least two days.
Be a good neighbour – Look out for those in our community who are vulnerable or who may be unable to help themselves, and make a note to check if they need help during an emergency.
Prepare an Emergency Kit - see below for what to include and for other preparations that may be helpful.
Prepare an Emergency Kit
Packing a small emergency kit will help you; keep it in a safe place where it may be reached easily. You may want to consider putting it in a waterproof bag.
Battery radio with spare batteries, or a wind-up radio
‘Old’ analogue phone
Battery hand or head torches with spare batteries, or a wind-up torch, candles and some matches
First aid kit, wet wipes/disinfectant hand gel, plastic gloves, toilet roll
Thermos flask, bottled water and ready to eat food that won’t go off
Hot water bottles, blankets/sleeping bag, spare towel
Toiletries, spare glasses, contact lenses and details and supply of important medicines
Portable mobile telephone charger
Pen, paper, penknife and whistle
Pet supplies
Cash - ATM’s may not be working
Other preparations that will be helpful​
Camper gas cooking stove with gas
Fuel for wood burner/open fire with fireguard
Generator, and ensure your fuel (petrol/diesel) is always useable and stored safely
Gas heater, and fuel
Tins of easy to heat food in the house (soup, lentils, beans), as well as Cuppa Soups and Pot Noodles
Warm clothes – hats/scarves/gloves/coats/boots
Have your contact details ready to display in your window in case you are required by the emergency services to leave your home
Know how to switch off your water, electricity supply and gas
Know where important documents like insurance policies, birth certificates and passports are kept
Have a bag/suitcase/box to take important items with you
​You could also consider making an inventory and note the location of valuable/important household items
What to do in an Emergency
If the emergency means it is not safe to go out, the advice is usually to:​
Depending on the nature of the emergency some, perhaps all, electronic communications may be unavailable, in which case your Resilience Hub will have information. Click on the link below for information on the Resilience Hubs.
If you have been asked to leave your home, take your emergency kit, take everyone with you, lock up and leave.
Look out for those in our community who are vulnerable or who may be unable to help themselves.
If you can, offer help, or seek help through the resilience group and the emergency services.
Keep receipts, you might be able to claim some costs back afterwards.
MDCC Resilience Hubs
MDCC's Resilience Hubs are refuges to ask for help, information points for residents, and places where you may wish to volunteer your help.
There are four MDCC Resilence Hubs, located in Aboyne, Kincardine O'Neil, Dinnet and Glen Tanar.
Click on the image to be taken to the location of the hub on Google maps.
MDCC Resilience Hubs locations